Thursday, February 20, 2020

Problems Of Corruption In Ukrainian Government And The Possible Ways Research Paper

Problems Of Corruption In Ukrainian Government And The Possible Ways To Solve It - Research Paper Example As per this report, Ukraine shared this poor corruption status with other third world countries like Bangladesh, Central African Republic, and Syria. In the same year, Ernst & Young identified Ukraine as one of the three most corrupted countries in the world along with Brazil and Columbia. Referring to Wikileaks cables, US diplomats described Ukraine as a state of kleptocracy under the presidency of Kuchma and Yushchenko. This paper will identify the intensity of corruption prevailing in Ukrainian government and suggest some potential remedies to fight the issue. Depth of Corruption in Ukrainian Government Bribes are very common in Ukraine because Ukrainians think that such unfair rewards are customary and expected in every official matters. Referring to recent investigative reports, some of the huge bribes in the country involve more than USD 1 billion. According to a sociological survey conducted by Management Systems International (MSI) in 2008, the level of corruption was very hi gh; in vehicle inspection (57.5%), the police (54.2%), health care (54%), the courts (49%), and higher education (43.6%) (UNO, â€Å"Country reports†). The police and the courts which are in charge of law enforcement in the country are highly corrupted. Undoubtedly, the higher corruption level in the courts and the police become a great obstacle to abolishing this social as well as economic issue. As compared to well developed economies like US and UK, many of the Ukrainians are willing to pay some or other forms of bribes so as to get served fast. Recently in 2011, the Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych admitted that bribes cause the state budget to lose billions of dollars in revenues and a notable percent of public funds â€Å"end up in the pockets of officials† (as qtd in Rachkevych). The president’s words clearly reflect the profundity of corruption in Ukraine. In spite of great media coverage and hot discussions, corruption is still growing to be a majo r growth impediment to the Ukrainian economy. As different surveys point out, nearly 70% of Ukrainians who had dealt with government services over the last five years directly involved in corrupt practices. Experts suggest that this rate would further increase if some respondents were not afraid of consequences. Referring to a report by Danilova, political corruption through the use of administrative tools is a key issue challenging the development of the country (â€Å"Hundreds protest..†). Ukrainian politicians mainly use administrative tools to commit election fraud and thereby make election results in their favor. The situation where many of the top Ukrainian governmental officials have been liable for prosecution also indicates how intense the problem of corruption is in the country’s government system. In fact, medical care is free for Ukrainians in state-run hospitals. However they pay money there to make sure that they receive quality treatment whenever require d. Recently some advocacy groups have accused the Ukrainian Health Ministry officials for misappropriating the money that should have used to treat AIDS patients. They claim that officials bought AIDS drugs at highly inflated prices and received kickbacks in return. As Nitsevych points out, business firms in Ukraine widely engage in corruptive practices in order to take advantages of business licensing, taxation, and customs (â€Å"Potential for German investors..†

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Personal Leadership Assessment and Philosophy Project Essay

Personal Leadership Assessment and Philosophy Project - Essay Example The importance that has been given to this area of research is the importance of leadership on employees, performance and overall success of the organizations. There have been a lot of facts and myths associated with the concept of leadership. In the past, leadership was linked by people with the superhuman characteristics bestowed by God to various leaders. This idea was further developed by Weber and named as Charisma by him. The leadership charisma involved the qualities and special characteristics that leaders posses. The leaders having leadership charisma are Charismatics. The concept of Charisma actually directs towards the special power and influence of Charismatics over the followers (Rickards & Clark, p79). In addition to the concept of charisma in leadership, it has been a point of debate if leadership skills are inborn or they can be taught. Researchers have been struggling to find an appropriate answer to this. However, it is not unjust to say that the answer to this ques tion contains an equal portion of both statements. The answer to this question has been given attention for the reason that it may help organizations have effective leaders. Brainpower is the only thing that requires being in a person naturally. Knowledge can be gained, skills can be learnt but intelligence cannot be generated. A person needs to be intelligent and sharp in order to gain knowledge and utilize it. Leadership requires certain traits in a person. These traits include strength of mind, interest to resolve issues, ready to face challenges, power to proceed with plans, will to succeed, determination and passion (Levicki, 2008). Personal Values of my Leadership Leadership qualities, theories and concepts are valuable and useful when it comes to practical life. The leadership skills are not limited to benefit in businesses but are useful in leading all teams including the political, social, cultural and virtual ones. The leadership techniques, qualities and skills are of par amount importance in successfully handling the followers. Religious and political leaders may be taken as a helpful example of how influential leaders are. My personal experiences helped a lot in learning the concept of leadership in a better way. The theory and practice of leadership differ in some ways. However, the theory and literature on leadership helps in understanding and building a better and more influential personality to handle and motivate the followers. To make my opinion more clear and effective I would describe Managerial work and leadership. Since my personal life involves being a financial manager who directly reports to the president of the company I know quite about the concepts of leadership. The step by step development of my career and promotions helped me in understanding which traits are valued and which ones are not. Managerial work is closely linked to leadership. A leader is a person who carry out plans and knows what to do, whereas, a manager is a person who knows how to do things and how would they actually complete a particular task. For instance, a student who is making a plan to carry out a stage performance on some occasion and take the responsibility to select